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Cancel an order

To cancel your order, please contact our customer service department with your order number. Please keep in mind that there is a limited amount of time before your order ships out. We recommend live chat or calling for fastest service.

Changes to an Item on Order

If you have already completed an order, you cannot add an additional item or alter an item on your order. You can place a second order, or cancel your initial order and place a new order. To cancel an order, contact our customer service department. We recommend live chat or calling for fastest service..

Change Shipping Address

To update the shipping address on your order, contact customer service department as soon as possible. We recommend live chat or calling for fastest service

Change Shipping Method

To change the shipping method on your order, please contact customer service department to cancel your initial order and then you can place a new order. We recommend live chat or calling for fastest service.


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  • - Minimum 8 characters
  • - At least 3 of the following: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters
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